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Question: How to become an actres!?
i am 13 and i want to be on the disnwy chanel pplllzzz help meWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
What you need is a combination of LOTS of luck, talent passion, persistance, and most importantly, parents who are also persistant and willing to dish out lots of money to help you!. The first step is to enroll in some intensive acting lessons so you have the training!. Then, get an agent!. This is somebody who you (or rather, your parents) pay to find audditons for you!. Then it is your job to go to the auditions and outshine sometimes hundreds or even thousands of other kids!. Remember, these audtions will probabaly be held in big cities like LA or NYC, so your parents are going to have to willing to travel or even move to these locations !.!. Your first jobs probably won't be anything big like disney channel though, but maybe commercials, or cameo appearances in network shows!. Then you work your way up from there!. The more small jobs you do, the more experience you will have, and the more likely you landing something big will be!. I don't want to discourage you from your dream, but making it in to the entertainment business is very hard and very unlikely!. I can't stress enough how much your parents would have to take part in your dream!. To even have a shot, your parents would have to almost devote themselves to making you star!. If you have parents who are willing to do this for you, great, maybe you will get lucky and find some acting jobs!. If not, I doubt it will ever happen for you!. Take other previous disney stars for example!. Hilary Duff's mom had to move from Texas to L!.A so her daughter could break in to the entertainment business!. Other times, it's just the parents who are ALREADY in the bussiness!. Take Miley Cyrus, for example!. Her father was already a famous country singer, so the Cyrus family name was already known in the business and Miley was a shoo-in for the gig of Hannah Montanna!.If acting is your ultimate goal in life, try pursuing it once you are out on your own and have your own money to spend pursuing your dream!. Good Luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Training!. Acting/Dancing/Singing classes are a good start!. You start to get some talent under your belt, and grow your confidence!. Plus, if after about a year of classes if you realize you really don't like it, it'll be easier for you to back out!.

2!. Experience!. Do Community Theater, act in your school play, get in some student films, etc!. You'll want to do as many productions as possible to have a great resume!.

3!. Agent!. http://www!.soyouwanna!.com/site/syws/tale!.!.!.

As you can see, you're going to need to spend at least two years (At the VERY least!. Usually you'll need three to four!.) building yourself up!. You'll want to make sure this is what you really want to do before you start getting into this!.

also, you should NEVER have to pay for anything when it comes to getting an agent!. If an agent tells you to take special classes from them or a website asks for a credit card number, that is a red flag that it is a scam!. Some of the big scammers out there are: John Robert Powers, Millie Lewis, John Casablancas, Model Look, Barbizon!.

Hope this helps you and I hope you go on to have a fantastic career!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I remember when I first started acting and I wanted to be on disney chanel!. Then I realized these three things:
1!. Disney Chanel isnt that cool
2!. look at the past disney chanel stars and what they are now
3!. Disney chanel is impossible to get on!. My friend tried out for it, but she wasnt even close to getting on it!.

So, for now try little things, like plays and commercials!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Zorellll has the right idea, only your parents can make you and actress, by getting you the experience, training, and agent that you will need!. The chances of it happening, though, are none!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

umm the only is if ur parents are famous or try auditoning for a show and maybe if u were on commerials before ppl would look for u and stuff but so many other peple want to be famous its very hard to become famousWww@QuestionHome@Com

its complicated!.Www@QuestionHome@Com