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Question: Auditioning Tips/Hints!.!.!.!.!?
okay!. im auditioning for a Canadian singing competition tv show!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.i've already got my songs picked for the audition, but i dont want to go unprepared!.!.!.!.!.!.i know that i will be interviewed and asked questions about why i think i stand out in a crowds and my interests, ect!. but is there anyhting i should be aware of when auditioning for a show/competition!? what to expect!? any tips or hints on preparing before audition time!? thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I hope your songs aren't the "oversung" ones!. Be capable of doing it with no accompaniment!.

Wear a snappy hat (to set yourself apart) and wear nice clothing that suits your personality!. At least one bit of a bright color is good!. No jeans!. If it'll make you feel better, wear a "lucky" shirt, panties, shoes, etc!.

Get a good night's sleep and do *not* skip breakfast!. Eat at least an hour before you perform!. Don't worry if you throw up!. Even professionals do from time to time!. Rinse your mouth and carry on!. Actually, many superstitious actors see that as a good sign, oddly enough!.

If someone asks you why you think you are a good performer, I hope you can answer "hard work and lots of practice!." Feel free to "sing big" and take risks!. If you feel like moving your arms, move BIG!. There's nothing worse than little movements!. Feel free to move, to do little dance steps!. See the movie/play "Chicago" for ideas on how to move when doing a song where you can't wander around a whole lot!.

Relax!. What's the worst that can happen!? You'll never see these people again if you don't make the cut!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't sing, so I'm not aware of the protocol for those kinds of competitions, however i can give you advice on auditioning overall:
1) get a good night's sleep
i know it's hard to sleep when you are nervous/excited, but being well rested is so important for any interviews or auditions
2) rest your voice
particularly as you are a singer!. so try not to talk too much on your way there and sip a hot drink like black/green tea or hot lemon: don't be tempted into any group sing-alongs!
3) breathe
take slow, deep breathes to calm yourself down before your interview
4) be prepared
in all competitions, shows, interviews, etc, one of the big things they are looking for is confidence!. looking confident requires you to be prepared, know your songs completely, be well-rested and relaxed!. obviously, you are aware of this, otherwise you wouldn't be asking this question!. have some answers prepared for questions they might ask (although don't "over-prepare" so that your answers sound like "recitals") and try to imagine, if you were on the interview panel, what kinds of things you would like to know about your potential competitors - this can help you come up with some possible questions!.

i hope i've helped

break a leg!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't talk to anyone!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. take three deep breaths before auditioning!.!.!.!.!.!.!. don' talk about it afterward!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. learn to get rejected!.!.!. theese are alltips i learned from my acting coach!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have absolutely no idea but best of luck! Break a leg!Www@QuestionHome@Com