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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> What is the most powerful acting performance?

Question: What is the most powerful acting performance!?
I say Tom Hanks in Forrest Gump!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Leonardo DiCaprio in Titanic was a really really good movie and so was The Aviator!. He did an especially good job in The Aviator!. Clara Bow (silent movie actress) was really good in all of the movies she's played in!.She had a very tough life and every reason to be destroyed , but when you watch her in her movies she plays them with such a carefree and happy air that you forget that there's no sound and that the roles she plays lacks a great plot!.Nicole Kidman in Moulin Rouge (as well as Ewan McGregor) do a really good job (that's saying a lot too!. I hate musicals)!. And Kirsten Dunst does a very good job with Marie Antoinette!. She doesn't talk much but you get a sense of the damned ,sad character who just wanted happiness despite the lack of dialog!.The major reason these performances are so great is the impression they leave you with after wards, when you've walked away from the movie!. It doesn't matter whether the actor had a great plot or great supporting cast or great costumes:It's in how they showed the emotion and brought the feelings to life and not just blurting lines out!. The major thing about acting is being able to communicate feeling without words!.Plus I think a really great actor has to bring something that they have themselves!. And they have to have lived several lives before this one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Are you speaking of films!? Recently, Daniel Day-Lewis, Anthony Hopkins, Meryl Streep, Dustin Hoffman, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Marion Cottillard, Javier Bardem, Jim Broadbent, Tom Wilkinson, Helen Mirren, Judy Davis - these are actors who completely inhabit the characters they're playing, and make us forget that we're watching them act!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know if your catholic but I went to this youth camp and they did a performance that made the whole audince cry and I still do!. It is on my Myspace!. It is under my comments!.


also Tom Hanks in "Philadelphia!."

Julie Christie knocked me out in "Away From Her!."

I just watched Jack Lemmon in "The Apartment!." Incredible!.

Meryl Street in "Sophie's Choice!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Christopher Eccleston in Jude!.

It's an absolutely heartbreaking film to begin with!.!. I don't usually cry during films but I couldn't stop during this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For me it was Jack Nicholson in the movie "Hoffa"!. I know it sounds weird but he played Jimmy Hoffa to a T!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Too many to choose from!.

So, I'll go with the first one that popped into my head: Anne Bancroft in "The Miracle Worker!."Www@QuestionHome@Com