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Question: Making it into Hollywood!?
What's the best way for a striving young actor to break into Hollywood!.!.!.!.Is it all about networkingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Get a good agent!. They are your key to networking with Hollywood filmmakers!. Check the Better Business Bureau's website before you sign a contract with anybody though because there are a lot of scammers out there!. Acting school is helpful to add some skills and experience on your resume!. Go for as many auditions as you can get because even if you don't get the part, the more you're seen the better chance you have next time!. Don't give up!. There's going to be a lot of rejection, but if you keep working hard, there's no reason you shouldn't be successful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hi there!

A great way to get a start in Hollywood is to make yourself available to low budget, or no budget filmakers!. There are literally thousands of movies made by these independent artist every year!. while most will never see the time of day some do break through!. For example "The Blair Witch Project" Keep in mind that these projects will most likely pay nothing but you can add them to your credits and reel to show prospective managers or secure more work!. There are numerous online casting websites where you can post a picture, bio and credits!. It can be a long road but if you have passion, perserverence and talent you will make it!

Good luck!

I would honestly believe so!. How do you think Hillary Duff's sister came into view, cuz of her!. and now Lindsay Lohans' sister is coming out cuz of her!. It's all bout connections in Hollywood!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yea mostly!.thats why few make it!.!.only the ones w/connections!.Www@QuestionHome@Com