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Question: Face for Acting in Films!.!.!.!?
This might sound weird, but i think tthat there is a 'face for acting' which works in film, regardless of talent (really)!.!.
you might not agree but how can you tell if you have a face for acting! (lol)

Thanks!! :D

nothing negative please!!
10 easy points to opinion and detail, experiances and examples!


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, usually people who have a "face" are really pretty and unique looking (Jessica Alba, Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie) you might disagree, but there is an exotic-ness to their look!. They LOOK different!.
Find a feature (or two) on yourself and try to emphasize it, (Angelina has the lips, Catherine Zeta Jones and the legs and eyes)!.
Remember, having a "face" can never replace having talent, but it may just get you into the door!

Best of Luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is such a thing as having a certain "look" that can be appealing!. If you have not much or little experience, it's easier to have that "look" used in commercials or for commercial print advertising than in television and film, because for the latter two, you still need to be able to act well!. That's why training is so important!. There will always be cases in which people are "discovered" or taken in, because they have such an incredible look that the director is looking for in that moment!. Unfortunately those cases are few, few, few, few, few and far, far, far, far, far between!. It happens so rarely that the chances are slim to none that it will happen to any of us who are writing here or reading this message!.

So it's good not to put all your eggs in that basket!.

That's why my main message on my website for new and aspiring actors is for them to position themselves to be discovered!.
