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Question: Julius caesar question!.!?
i don't understand this play so if you could help that would be great

this is from act 1

1!.What is the irony of of Casca's description of populace!?
2!. What metaphor dominates Cassius' estimate of Brutus!?
3!. Why does Casca use the word "alchemy" in assessing the value of Brutus to the conspiracy!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
First off, there is very little hidden in this play!. If someone says, "he has that lean and hungry look" then they mean precisely that -- thin and starving!.

Casca does not like the populace!. He calls them stinking and dirty and other insulting things!. The irony is in the essential role that the populace must play in any revolt once the tyrant has been deposed
Casca believes that the addition of Brutus to the conspiracy will lend it a certain legitimacy and raise it from merely a base murder to a political assassination, and alchemy is the Medieval "science" of attempting to convert base metals into gold!.
Re-read carefully and you'll find your own answer to the second questionWww@QuestionHome@Com