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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I don't know how to answer the question "What would an actor do with a

Question: I don't know how to answer the question "What would an actor do with a conscience, anyway!?" Can you!?
pls help answer!. this question is bugging me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well I'm training to become an actress - and i watch on TV what the other actors do, I can tell you an actor or actress with a conscience would be sure to keep every option open EXCEPT anything that would personally defile them, and I know Hollywood prays on that all the time!. But one's got to figure out how to meander threw all that chaos!. And more importantly, when you feel back against a corner, poparazzi at every turn, fans and judges everywhere in between, you MUST make sure your outlet doesn't defile you!. For instance, nothing good wil locme of turing to alcohol, drugs, or overactive sex - one's got to find an outlet that they would LOVE even if they were'nt famous!. They need to take advantage of their publicity and fortune to finally do what they always dreamed of doing, despite what the puplic may agree with!. (I know that might sound a bit contradictory, but I know what I'm trying to say!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com