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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Where and how do you find out when auditions for movies and TV shows are?

Question: Where and how do you find out when auditions for movies and TV shows are!?
Out of curiousuty I would like to know where you find out where the auditions are for movies and TV shows!?
Thank you very much! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You will never find any major films or TV shows on the Internet! Unless there's a Leak!.!.!. and there rarely ever is!. the rest are just scams and i urge you not to go to them because you can get into trouble by going to them!. You need to seek out major casting directors or go to talent agents to seek representation!.!.!.!. and you need to live in the area!.!.!.
Explore Talent is a scam and you have to give them your credit card number for "auditions" (big surprise there)!. Any place where you have to pay in order to audition is a scam!

Best of Luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The site I used that helped me was http://hannahmontanacasting!.blogspot!.com
The site has tons of auditions but they all are for Disney!.
For this life you have to be willing to give everything up!. And I mean EVERYTHING!. You have to practice and take every chance you get!. Be in as as many community or school productions as you can and most importantly, DON'T GIVE UP!!
Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You'll need to get an agent!. Sometimes you can get lucky and find something on http://exploretalent!.com/ but that's about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

when interacting with people who see much TV programmes
and asking them about auditions then u can get ur answer
or simply watching TV and find out on internetWww@QuestionHome@Com