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Question: Acting Problems!?
I'm in a basic movie for a movie festival!. I'm not allowed to tell my friends or family about the scenes and I'm not allowed to show my family or friends the script!. Is that how it is for the 'big time'!. It's a basic movie and it's not going to be on the silver screen but it's still very locked up between the cast!. Another question!. I sort of have a crush on the director!. He's in 8th grade and I'm in 7th grade!. I'm not asking for relationship advice!. I'm asking if it is okay to date the director in 'the big time'!? Thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yup! that's pretty much like the "Big Times"!. things are typically kept on the 'down low' because if there was a Leak (say the script or some of the movie footage was put online) it could hurt the sales!. That's basically it, so don't talk about it!. I know keeping secrets about the movie can be tough, but hang in there and when your friends and family see the movie they'll be awed and amazed at the end effect!
As for the director, it's not really OK to "date" the director!.
1) if you break up (especially a bad break up), it'll be totally awkward between you two if you have to work together again

2) It's awkward between the your cast mates if you two get all googley eyed around each other!.!.!.!.!.

3) it can damage your reputation!. People can start
whispering that you got that role only because of that relationship and the infamous "casting couch" can come into play!.!.!. Plus the director you used to date can talk trash about you, and you can miss out on other jobs because of that!.

But as for your guy, make your move after the movie wraps, so it won't be awkward between you and your cast matesWww@QuestionHome@Com

Scripts are often kept hush hush so that isn't all that unusual, though the director may be overdoing that a bit!.

And while dating a director isn't all that unusual, it is not a good idea!. Having a romance with someone you have to work with can cause all sorts of problems and if it ends badly even more so!. It takes a high level of maturity and intimacy between partners to make it work so at your age this can create more bad than good!.

For now, wait until after the current project is over before you make your move!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I wouldn't worry too too much about keeping the script secret, seeing as it isn't being nationally released!. In the "big time" dating the director is like dating your boss at work, it is just not good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is stupid to require secrecy about an 8th grader's film!. You must show it to your parents immediately!. What is the director afraid of!?Www@QuestionHome@Com