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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Any singing lessons that allow....? HELP!!?

Question: Any singing lessons that allow!.!.!.!.!? HELP!!!?
Okay, so I REALLY want to take singing lessons!. I am a VERY shy person and wouldn't want to go alone!. I was wondering if there are any lessons I could take that allow two people at a time to be tought!.!. My friend also wants to take singing lessons and I would LOVE it if we could take them together!. I've been on google searching for places I could go for lessons but I haven't really found anything yet!. I'm 13 years old by the way!. Anyway, please answer my questions and if you could, help me find a good place in my area (Seattle)!. Thank you soooo much!

P!.S!. also, please still answer even if you do not know all the answers!.!.

P!.P!.S!. If you have any experience with singing lessons, did you improve much!?

P!.P!.P!.S!. Since I am only 13, what should my teacher not have me do!? I know that there are certain things I shouldn't do because they could ruin my voice since I'm only 13!. Thanks for answering!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, I'm from Cincinnati, not Seattle, but yes, I have heard of people having duo lessons before!. However, most of the time those people will have, say, an individual lesson and a group lesson each week (so they don't exactly get out of the alone part)!. My friend does something like that!. However, I understand your shyness, because I am like that, too!. I recently started taking singing lessons, and believe me, it's not as scary as you might think at first!. I was frightened out of my wits the first time!. But I have found that you get used to it, especially when you have the same teacher each week!. Don't worry about making a mistake, because voice teachers hear all kinds of pupils, both new and expert, make mistakes every day!. They are used to it--it's their job to make you better, right!? So relax and pretend like you're singing gleefully by yourself at home when no one else is around (I do that a lot)! Granted, I still think that many times I find that because of nerves sometimes my voice is not as powerful when I sing in front of people than when I am just singing to myself, but this will get better with time and practice!. So just take a deep breath and go for it, even if you can't find a teacher that will let you take only group lessons!. AIso, I don't know much singing experience you have but if you have none then you might try joining a choir first to get some group experience instead of having to sing by yourself (at school or church or whatever it is you might be involved in)!. Btw I'm a senior in high school!. As far as I know about singing at 13, I think maybe one thing to be careful of would be practicing belting (singing in the upper ranges still using your chest voice)!. Anyone else out there, correct me on this if need be because I am no expert!. Anyway, good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i sing too!.!.!. but i am a guitarist so i think i had a musical edge over beginnersWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'll answer the "what should you not do" part, since I've either already answered the rest or don't really know the answers!.

Your teacher shouldn't have you doing big opera arias within a few weeks of your lessons!. By big, I don't mean difficult stuff (like songs with lots of running passages and melismas etc!.)!. I mean songs which were written for a more mature voice - yes even a seemingly 'simple' aria like O Mio Babbino Caro!. You would know that a song is too 'big' for you if you find yourself constantly have to strain to sing it even when you're doing what you should be doing (ie proper technique, sound placement, a relaxed and open throat)!. If you feel uncomfortable singing specific songs that you've been assigned, tell your teacher about it!. He/she should then take a look at what the difficulty is, and whether it's because your voice isn't ready for them!.

You also shouldn't be belting out broadway solos before you feel comfortable!. Even if your aim is to learn the broadway style!. Your teacher should be having you sing lighter art songs and lieder at this age - with the occasional venture into slightly challenging songs that would help you improve!. However, you shouldn't feel constantly uncomfortable singing the 'challenging' material either!. It should be hard at first, but not too hard!. It's a delicate balance between challenge and forcing!. The main focus should be on building technique with exercises, not churning out aria after aria!.Www@QuestionHome@Com