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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> HELP..romeo & juliet?? 10 POINTS!?

Question: HELP!.!.romeo & juliet!?!? 10 POINTS!!?

1!. Juliet asks, "Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo!?" Is she asking where he is!? Explain your response!.

2!. Why does Juliet fear that Romeo will think she is "too quickly won!?"

3!. What will Juliet's kinsman do if they see her talking to Romeo!?

4!. When Friar Laurence encounters Romeo after Romeo has been with Juliet, the friar thinks that Romeo has been with Rosaline!. Why!?

5!. When speaking to Juliet's nurse, Romeo describes another character as "A gentleman that loves to hear himself talk!." To whom is he referring!?

6!. What does Juliet's nurse agree to help her do!?

7!. Where do Romeo and Juliet secretly agree to meet and for what purpose!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Mind you, I haven't read R&J since senior year in high school 7 years ago!.

1!. She's asking why he has to be Romeo!.!.!.why couldn't he be someone else that she can be with!.

2!. Because she has professed her love for him and they just met (even though he wasn't supposed to hear it)

3!. Kill Romeo

4!. Because in the beginning of the play Romeo was in love with Rosaline and everyone knew about it!.

5!. I would have to say Mercutio!.

6!. Get married to Romeo!.

7!. They agree to meet at Friar Laurence's cell to get married!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1-Yes, She knew he would probably come, so she was asking where he was!.
2-She fears that he will think she is to easy!.
3-Kill him, I think!.
4-Because he thinks Romeo is in love Rosaline!?
5-Someone who is obsessed with himself!.
6-Run away with Romeo!.
7-Juliets room, to run away!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!.Yeah, she is looking for him!.!. more like talking to herself on the balcony asking where is he!?<!.!.!.
2!.She thinks that his love won was too easy to get!.!.!. so she tests herself!.
3!.Her kinsmen would kill him
4!.Because he thought that Romeo and Rosaline got back together because he didn't think he would find a new girl!.!.!. because he was deeply in love and depressed that Rosaline was turning to be a nun!.
6!.She agrees to help her sneak out to go get proposed to Romeo
7!.Around the temple!.!.!. where there ancestors where buried!.!.which is around Friar's cellWww@QuestionHome@Com

1!. No! She is asking, "Why are you a Montague, because if you weren't, our parents would let us be together!"

2!. Because she lets him touch her hand!.

3!. Kill him!.

4!. He thought Rosaline was still Romeo's girlfriend, and that
he had spent the night with her!.

5!. Mercutio!.

6!. Sneak out to meet Romeo!.

7!. The tomb, to run away together!.Www@QuestionHome@Com