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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Has anyone seen The Phantom of the opera on broadway?

Question: Has anyone seen The Phantom of the opera on broadway!?
Please tell me how it was =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes! It was absolutely fantastic, actually, the broadway cast is touring in,
New York
New Hampshire
West Virginia

I hope you livew in one of those areas, it was a fantastic show! There was so much vibretto! It was amazing! I also saw it before, both times it was fantastic, i really hope you can see it! Hope that helps! Oh! And prices for tickets are about $30, you can double check on Ticketmaster for it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have! I saw it last year with Jason Mills {understudy for Howard McGillan} and Jennifer Hope Wills!. Jason Mills is AMAZING, and JHW was good!. Their voices blended well together!. The sets are just beautiful, and very ornate!. The orchestra is outstanding, the music and story are incredible, and it's just soooooooo much better than that dreadful movie!

I'm going to NYC again soon, and I'm considering seeing Phantom again!. You can NEVER see it enough times, lol, and one of my favourite Phantoms {John Cudia} is reprising his role!

