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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How can I get into acting in movies and TV?

Question: How can I get into acting in movies and TV!?
People always tell me I should be in movies/TV or they could see me playing in a movie they just saw!. And until now I've just taken it with a grain of salt but I realize that is what I wanna do!. I'm willing to do commercials just to get noticed and get my foot in the door!. Me and one of my best friends play this game where we go out and act like we're different people and see how many people take us serious!. Now I know I need a agent but I don't even know how to get that far!. If someone knows how I can go about this please let me know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. Training!. Acting/Dancing/Singing classes are a good start!. You start to get some talent under your belt, and grow your confidence!. Plus, if after about a year of classes if you realize you really don't like it, it'll be easier for you to back out!.

2!. Experience!. Do Community Theater, act in your school play, get in some student films, etc!. You'll want to do as many productions as possible to have a great resume!.

3!. Agent!. http://www!.soyouwanna!.com/site/syws/tale!.!.!.

As you can see, you're going to need to spend at least two years (At the VERY least!. Usually you'll need three to four!.) building yourself up!. You'll want to make sure this is what you really want to do before you start getting into this!.

also, you should NEVER have to pay for anything when it comes to getting an agent!. If an agent tells you to take special classes from them or a website asks for a credit card number, that is a red flag that it is a scam!. Some of the big scammers out there are: John Robert Powers, Millie Lewis, John Casablancas, Model Look, Barbizon!.

Hope this helps you and I hope you go on to have a fantastic career!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Get involved with your local productions, Community Theater, etc!. so you can meet other actors, they will be a good resource for your questions!.

Read your local Theater related newspapers for auditions!. You can't be seen, unless TalentAgents know you exist!.

You can't be seen, unless you are ON STAGE!. How do you expect Agents to know you are performing!? If you don't know how to get an agent, you're not ready for one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Step 1!. agent
Step 2!. get big roll fire him!. There you go!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's so hard to go about answering this question!. There is not just one answer!.!.!. so much depends on you!. Who you are, where you are located, how hard you are willing to work etc!.!.!. It sounds like you are comfortable in front of other people and that's a good start!.!.!. but, getting an agent and working as an actor is a whole different business!. Start to get familiar with the business of acting!. It's difficult to book commercials!.!.!. it's not something you just go out and begin because you're "willing to"! Are you in an acting class!?!.!.!. read plays!.!.!. get involved in your local theater!.!.!. begin to get a clear picture of who you are as an actor and what you can bring to a project!. Don't skip this step! Don't expect to just pay money and begin a career!. Anyone will take your money!. Good agents will seek YOU out when you're ready! Just begin!. Begin to get involved and see if you really like it!. I am a working actor in NY and LA and offering free online coaching right now at my site if you want to start with me!Www@QuestionHome@Com