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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Play lead?

Question: Play lead!?
I got the lead in my church play!. I will be playing the part as Andy (Andrea) and I am really nervous!. It's my first lead in anything and I don't know what to do!. The play isn't until June 29!. How do I remember all my lines and be the best I can be!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Be confident!.

Out of all the plays I have been in, I have only NOT been lead once!. So I have been lead all but once!. I cannot stress to you enough how important it is to be confident in yourself and the play as a whole!. Encourange others and be involved!. do this even if your not lead!. Show up at the practices and study your lines!. Practice in the shower and in front of the mirror!. You can also record yourself in a video camera and watch and critiqe yourself!. You will do fine!.

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