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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Ticket for Tennant's Hamlet genuine?

Question: Ticket for Tennant's Hamlet genuine!?
I just bought two tickets to see David Tennant in Hamlet but was curious as to whether they were legitimate!. They don't have the RSC on them but another company who I bought it through - does this matter!?

Thanks in advance :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
What is the other company!? I expect you could ring the RSC box office to check!. There does seem to be other companies selling tickets for the show!. Looks like it has sold very well!. Hope they are genuine as you could be one of the few to get to see it!. (Am considering pulling strings myself to see it later in the year!!)Www@QuestionHome@Com

he is in contract to do this play,they are genuine,have had a few doo-daas about this question,but it is 100% true :-)))Www@QuestionHome@Com