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Question: How should i!?
how should i go about doing a stage kiss
its my first time and im 15 i think its a bit weird any tipsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Directors should have enought sense to realize theses problems exist and help their actors!. You have two choices, you can really kiss the guy(might not be too bad) or you can do a "stage kiss" which is a fake kiss!. A stage kiss is done by the boy taking the girl in his arms and turning her upstage as he puts his cheek on her cheek, the action is masked from the audience and looks like a passionate kiss!. Which ever you choose, talk to the boy about it and arrange to practice it during rehearsal!. You have to get used to doing it with everyone watching anyway!.!. Laugh a lot about it!. Comedies are about love, they got started in ancient Greece as fertility rituals!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do it how ever it seems appropriate!. Deepending on the situation!. If it's just a peck, leave it at that, if it's supposed to be tounge in mouth action, do so, don't be wiggling your tounge in the other person mouth, unless they do it first, lmao, that can result in the play ending early!.!.!. lol, I've seen it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com