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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How can I have an advantage over other auditioners for a film?

Question: How can I have an advantage over other auditioners for a film!?
How can I have more chances of getting picked for a role!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Do a better reading, make a better impression!. Learn how to audition!. Get the free audition lessons from KnockEmDeadActing!.com amd read how to audition at actingcareerstartup!.com then be an actor with a good reputation, covered in my free book, The Tao of Acting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The short answer is: Have more experience and more talent!.

But sometimes even if you have more experience and talent, you still may not be right for the part, in the eyes of the casting director!. Maybe you're too tall or too short; maybe you're too young or too old to play the part convincingly!. Maybe they're looking for a black actor and you're white; or they want a white actor and you're black!. Maybe they've already got the leading lady cast for her role, and you and she just don't have any on-screen chemistry together!. If you're an unknown actor, maybe they want someone more famous; if you are a celebrity, they may want someone unknown for the role!.

Bottom line is, you really have no idea what the producer and casting director are looking for when they cast roles for a film!. The best you can do is be as prepared and professional as you can be for the audition, and if you don't get the role, don't take it personally!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Know this: don't worry about "them"!.!.!. be the best YOU can be!. That's all you can do!. If you are worried about the other auditioners, you're just distracting yourself and losing your focus!. There's only one you!. Be prepared and confident from the moment you walk in to the audition!.!.!. that way if you are right for the role!.!.!. you will get it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with Rachel!. You jsut never know what the director is looking for and if you're not cast it could be for something like the director wanted someone taller, shorter, blonder, fatter, thinner, etc!. It's not always based solely on talent!.
SO, the best thing you can do is go in and just give the best audition you can!. Have you been given the sides!? If so, prepare as well as you can!. Go in and make strong, committed choices be relaxed and have fun!

Best of luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Be better than them!!Www@QuestionHome@Com