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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How long should i stay in theater school for before i becom a soap opera ?

Question: How long should i stay in theater school for before i becom a soap opera !?
i am doing theater school but want to know how long i should do it for before i do the next step of becoming a soap operaWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Although being in a soap is a first tv job for many actors, that doesn't mean it will be for you!. There is no time table!. Some people get the first thing they audition for and sometimes it takes 100 auditions before you get a callback!. also, taking class doesn't end!.!.!. you're always studying your craft!. Well known actors in TV and film still go to class and acting coaches for help with their scenes, etc!. You're always learning new things and working on new discoveries!.

If you think differently, maybe this isn't the career for you!. It's not something you take a couple classes for and that's it!.


what makes you think being in a soap opera is the next step to anything!? it is more likely the end of the road!. If your theatre school is not teaching you how to get a job and have a career, it is stealing your money!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you wish your life to become a Soap Opera, I would say another 8 or 9 years wasting your time in a Theatre School should do it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com