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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> MACBETH ,, Please Help ???

Question: MACBETH ,, Please Help !?!?!?
hey i know why macbeth is a bad king but my teacher has asked why he is a good king , !?
i dont think he was a good king at all !.

so if you could help me out this would be great ,
also and example of why he is good,

i just dont understand how he can be good at all i mean he murders every1 !?

thanks heaps ,


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Look at MacBeth's legacy before he met the 3 Witches!. He didn't kill anyone before that!. Once Lady Macbeth reads what the Witches predicted, she pushes him to make the prediction come true!. also, there is a struggle within MacBeth to do the right thing!. He knows that killing the king is wrong!. His wife has no qualms, much less struggles, with deciding to murder him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com