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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Which destination is the best for me?

Question: Which destination is the best for me!?
Well, I've always wanted to be an actress since I remember!.
I live in Portugal and in my country people oon't invest in drama schools, cinema and theatre and so I decided that I have to move in order to make my dream come true!.
I have a friend in Toronto, Canada that offered me a place to stay but I guess that the US are better for me as they have Hollywood and Broadway!.!.!.!. The truth is that I don't know many people there and if I decided to go to New York, for exemple, I would need to go on my own and it would be quite hard because I'm only 18!.
What do you think I should do!? What is the best for me!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Don't go to NY at 18 years old!.

Go to Toronto and stay with a friend first!.

I'm not trying to talk like your dad, but I have 3 daughters that I watched go through your age and I can tell you that you will do a lot of risky things at 18 that you are not aware of!. Guys at that age, do dumb things, but girls risk way too much!.

Just two years will make a big difference and you would do best in Toronto in those two years!. I think it will be much easier for you at 20 going to NY with a little experience and maturity behind you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

start out with your friend

get into local plays and stuff

save up your money

when you have a lot, move to hollywood


good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com