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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Monologue memorization help? 10 points best answer!!! EASY READ!...?

Question: Monologue memorization help!? 10 points best answer!!! EASY READ!!.!.!.!?
I need to memorize 4 monologues by tomorrow!.!.!. AND block them!.!.!. is there an easier way to memorize than just reading them over and over again!? any techniques!? ANYTHING would be helpful!.!.!. please help!? will give 10 points best answer!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, I would definately block them first, it will help you to remember the words if there is an action associated with them!. Another helpful way I have found to memorise monologues is to not memorise the words, but the themes and ideas that spark the word - i!.e what goes on in the characters head that makes them arrive at those words, what's their thought pattern!. I've found that once I do that, the words seem to come a lot more naturally and don't sound as rehearsed!. With four to learn by tomorrow though, that might be a little too time-lengthy!. A couple of old school techniques - record yourself saying the monologues and listen to them over again (also helps to pick out any weak spots in your performance so you can fix them up) and whilst you sleep, or write them by hand out on a piece of paper a few times each!. Make sure you are getting enough sleep, food and water so your brain is in optimal condition and ready to remember stuff, so to speak!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

oh wow! i'm sorry!.!.!.and i thought i had it hard! well first of all i agree with the idea of blocking like 5 lines together, also make sure you memorize them completely seperately or else you will get them mixed up!.!.!.

GOOD LUCK!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

block them first by translating the words into the actions they represent, then as you do the actions you will remember the words!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

fold a piece of paper so you get 8 boxes !.!. then draw different pictures and symbols in each box that remind you of each line!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

take a lined yellow pad of paper and write the lines one by one, 2 lines tall!. then add them together as you goWww@QuestionHome@Com