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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How do I start a career in the entertainment business?

Question: How do I start a career in the entertainment business!?
Since I could remeber I have wanted to be in movies, televison, everything!. I have spent years wishing and hoping that I get discovered, but you can only sing and dance in public so many times!. I finally talked to my parents about seriously starting in the business!. They agree that I should persue my dreams!. But where do I start!? Do I get a manager!? Or take more classes!? Find an agency!?

Tell me everything!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
My friend it is very simple!.

connections, connections, connections!.
Start by going to plays, and musicals, (not movies not many things happen there) Cultural yourself, go to Art Museums, Symphony's network yourself, which can mean carrying a business card!.

Take voice lessons, walking lessons, learn, learn, learn!. Most actors have take many classes on making them self perfect!.

The main thing isn't skill anymore, but money!. Attend acting camps, go to open auditions even if it is just for an extra!. Get your name out there and talk, talk, talk!.

the biggest thing in show biz (and i am sure you heard this before) is who you know, not what you know!.

follow your dreams and go for gold!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

alright just try doing alot of plays, classes, everything in the entertainment business and once you think you have all the knowledge that can give you good luck, then go to a state that has auditons and audition for a movie/ television show, whatever it is!. just think, yeah it will be odd going to a new state but this might be your state that you start doing your entertainment in!. think about that!. alrightWww@QuestionHome@Com

If you're in Atlanta, then you have some good resources!. Contact some of the local agents!. They have small productions/ commercials shooting there!. !.!. and several good theater companies!. Have you starred on the stage there!? I disagree!.!.!. if you want to be in the entertainment biz you can never "only sing and dance in public so many times"!. Look at the auditions in Creative Loafing!.!.!. keep performing and get seen! There aren't any type of classes better than others!.!.!. just what's good for you!. Keep working and become a big fish in that pond before you leave to pursue your dreams!. It'll be a much easier road for you!Www@QuestionHome@Com