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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Easy ten for all you that have read act 3 "a midsummer night's dream&qu

Question: Easy ten for all you that have read act 3 "a midsummer night's dream"!?
Wich women wants to attack the other

What happens when demetrius wakes up

What does hermia believe is happeningWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
hermia and helena are in a fight

when demetrius wakes up, hes in love with hermia

hermia believes lysander doesnt love her anymore though she still loves him!. he wants helenaWww@QuestionHome@Com

Hermia actually attacks Helena because she believes she has "bewitched" Lysander into loving her and she has stolen her man!.
Helena actually thinks they are all playing a horribly mean prank on her!. They fight after Helena accuses her of being a "confederate" in their their game and calls Hermia names!.

When Demetrius wakes up both he and Lysander both think they are in love with Helena!. They both chase after her trying to get her love!.

All of this leaves Hermia "amazed and not knowing what to say!.!."Www@QuestionHome@Com