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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Macbeth act 1 questions help?

Question: Macbeth act 1 questions help!?
What line of Banquo's predicts the eventual outcome of the play!?

Quote the lines in which Lady Macbeth calls on the dark spirits to make her cruel enough to kill Duncan!.

What arguments does Lady Macbeth use to convince Macbeth to kill Duncan!?

What is the purpose of the "aside" in Shakespeare's plays!?

Which line in a scene from Act 1 helps the audience identify the location of the scene!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You should just read the play, dude!.

And if you did and I was hard to understand the language (which is completely understandable) or you procrastinated and now are behind (which is also understandable) here are some links to help!.
Really these are text specific questions your teacher is asking that you should be answering yourself!. It is alot of information to explain on Yahoo answers!


A Movie of Mc Beth: http://video!.google!.com/videoplay!?docid=!.!.!.

An Annotated version of the play scene by scene:

Cliff Notes:

Spark notes: Play w/ explanation w/out all that crazy Shakespeare talk!.


Start here:
