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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Shakespeare's Globe Theatre?

Question: Shakespeare's Globe Theatre!?
Ok, I have a model of Shakespeare's Globe Theatre!. I got it from http://www!.papertoys!.com/globe!.htm!. I cut it out and glued it and it's now a 3-D model glued onto cardboard!. I want to do something more than that!. Is there anything I can do to it that will make it better!? Like, what was the floor made out of!? Was it sand!? I want to add more stuff to it! What should I do!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The floor was dirt ground!. The roof was thatch, so if you take some straw and hot glue peices to the top circular area that would really add to your project!. I hope this helps (We had to make models too when I was in school!.) Try this website for more information on building materials and construction: http://www!.elizabethan-era!.org!.uk/globe-!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The cardboard base that you're using could be painted!. The Globe was on the south bank of the Thames (tims) River, because it was illegal to have theatres inside the city limits of London, so you could add that!. You could then make it like a map with directions to Bear Bating, to London Bridge, to Rome, to Venice, to Stratford upon Avon, etc !. !. !.Www@QuestionHome@Com