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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I'm playing Emilia in Othello?

Question: I'm playing Emilia in Othello!?
Okay so we're doing Othello for Language Arts and I play Iago's wife, Emilia!. I read through the play briefly (we just started today) and how should I play her!? I mean, is she totally oblivious to what an ****** her husband is or does she realize how manipulative he is!? Since she's Desdemona's best friend, I figured she'd be aware but then again she'd be a perfect pawn to play into Iago's plans!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If I were you, I'd go rent a few different versions, a few old a few new!.

I think it'd be really nice (because I'm assuming your young and pretty), to play her innocently, but that is all up to you!.
I'd study every actress that played her before you, take away the way they have brought her life, and then add a new spark yourself!.
Study will help, so will allowing yourself to put passion into the lines!.

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

weLL i just finished reading the play
emilia seems like the kinda person>>dont ask dont tellWww@QuestionHome@Com