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Question: Hi actors, this is a completely humiliating question!.!.!.!?
I'm trying out for HSM (High School Musical)!. I know, I can't believe it either!.

Can you just tell me what it's basically about!? A quick synopsis!? I guess I should see the movie!. Oh God!.

Plus, what are some of the most major songs!? What are your favorites!? What are the major/minor roles!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I did the High School Musical play in 6th grade!. It is a lot better then the movie but still has it's cheesy disneyafied :) parts!. You don't have to see the movie ( and really shouldn't!.) I'll just tell you what happens!.
http://www!.imdb!.com/title/tt0475293/plot!.!.!. here's a link that's the plot summary but I can tell it to you in a lot less words!. A jock named Troy falls in love with a brainiac named Gabriella and they try out for a play but this girl named Sharpay gets in the way and there's a lot of clique drama!. In the end they realize that they're "all in this together" and they all live happily ever after the end!.
Here are the characters:
Troy Bolton
Gabriella Montez
Sharpay Evans
Ryan Evans
Ms!. Darbus
Taylor Mkessie
Kelsi Nielson
Coach Zach Bolton
Principal Matsui
Skater Dude (s) 1 and 2

Here are the songs http://www!.stlyrics!.com/h/highschoolmusi!.!.!. in a list with their lyrics!. I like Bop to the Top, and when there was me and you!. Bop to the Top just is really energetic and has a dancey vibe and When there was me and you is really romantic and sweet!
Have fun with the play! I'm sure you'll do great and have a blast!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i could write u a really long message explaining the movie!. but just watch the movies they arnt as bad as u may think!. The songs are good, i have them on my ipod even tho i dont like anyof the characters except corbin bleuWww@QuestionHome@Com

stick to the status quo
breaking free
all in this 2gether
all in this 2gether
Gaby's mom
Troys dad
Dancing Girl
Skater Dudes
Basketball teamWww@QuestionHome@Com

i think u should def just watch the movie, i personally looooove all tha songs, my friends aren't like that but they do love most of themWww@QuestionHome@Com