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Question: Improvisation!?
So I'm a new actress!. I've been told I have natural talent, but I don't know much about the business!. I made it through the first round of a major audition, but at the next one I'm asked to do improv!? What is it exactly!? And any advice!? Thanks :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Improv!. Look up who's line is it anyways on youtube!.

Improv is short for improvisation!. It's when you're given a scene and you make it up as you go!. Sounds, easy, but it's actually very difficult!. also, make sure you ARE NOT getting scammed!. Go to actingbiz!.com for great tips including Audition Tips, Acting Tips, Etc Etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


in my words, improv is acting with no scrip and no time to think!. most likely you will be giving a scene to act in with or with out any other actors!. a good way to prepare is to think of different characters and hoe they might act in different situations before hand!. then when you are called to act you can think of character and act as he would!.
congrats on getting through! hope this helps-hallerina<3Www@QuestionHome@Com

Improvisation is like random acting with no script and usually a prompt!. I suggest you go to an improv class or workshop at your local theatre!
Good luck and great job on making the audition!!! =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

improvisation is like running of the top of your head its like live theater with no script be calm and think clearly it helps try to not go over board and use ur imaginationWww@QuestionHome@Com