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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Do i have a chance at being a hollywood actress?

Question: Do i have a chance at being a hollywood actress!?
i want to do it because i love the whole art and process of acting, not for the fame or money!.=p but i won't hate being rich and famous either!. hahaha!

i'm 5'7'', of chinese-spanish descent and oriental-looking (almond shaped eyes, dark brown hair and eyes, tannish skin, you get the idea), slim and not voluptuous, I can say i have good talent in acting!. i'm very smart too!. i know a lot!.

but i'm afraid of being typecast as the "asian girl"!. or maybe even rejected just for being Asian!.

and if i have a chance at it, how can i do it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
To be honest, no I don't think you can be a Hollywood actress!.!.!.!.

Unfortunately, Hollywood is all about looks, how much money you have and the people you know, not so much talent!. also, Asian features are still not considered mainstream or beautiful in America!. Very few Asian actresses have made it on screen and i don't think it's a coincedence cuz many are very talented!. It's sad but unless you look like a model, you don't have much of a chance!. An agent can help you but can not make up for talent or appearance so rememebr that!.!.!.!.

There is no reason why you can't be an actress in general though; just a movie actress, in Hollywood, no less, is pretty tough for anyone, even a blond american girl!. So don't give up your dreams of being an actress, just have a realistic career goal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Guess what!? In all honesty, people won't know what to do with you unless you look very Asian or very Spanish!. If you got called in for Asian rolls you won't look Asian enough!.!.!. same for Spanish!. also, you only described your looks, not anything about your training or resume!. Anyone can have a chance, but you don't sound serious!. You didn't mention any classes, any experience!.!.!.

You need classes, you need to build a resume!. Get into theatre and start networking with people there and in your classes!. You'll figure out what to do from there!.

good luck,

Search online on a search engine, I higly recommend you http://www!.google!.co!.uk/webhp!?sourceid=n!.!.!. and just search!! You can search like 'how to become a hollywood actress' stuff like that, you get the idea!.
People say that firstly, you need an agent!. So you can search that too on Google!.
Don't worry, you wouldn't be rejected just for being an asian!. I know a lot of asian girls being an actress!. All they want is just a good actor & a smart one of course and they'll put you through!

Good luck with the hunt!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not much!. Noone does!. You need to have been born with talent, you need to prepare well with lots of experience and training and you need to get an agent, but that is after the years of preparation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com