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Question: Classical monoluge!?
ok it can't be from romeo and juilet and the play has to be published before 1910 it would be nice if I could understand it (not that many thees and thous)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
George Bernard Shaw: "Mrs!. Warren's Profession (1893), which concerns prostitution and was barred from performance until 1902!. He then wrote four “pleasant” plays, including the comedies Arms and the Man (1894) and Candida (1895)!. His next plays include Caesar and Cleopatra (1899) and Man and Superman (1905)!. He used high comedy to explore society's foibles in Major Barbara (1905)" [from Encyclopedia Britannica Online]

Or something by Oscar Wilde:"His macabre play Salomé (1893) was later adapted as the libretto of Richard Strauss's opera; his other plays, all successes, include Lady Windermere's Fan (1893), A Woman of No Importance (1893), and An Ideal Husband (1895)!. His greatest work was the comedy The Importance of Being Earnest (1899), a satire of Victorian social hypocrisy!." [from Encyclopedia Britannica Online]Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are a lot of great shakespearean monologues to choose from!. There's a relatively short one in The Tempest where ohmygoshIforgothername, Prospero's daughter, is flipping out because she just saw a shipwreck and she thinks her father might have caused the storm!.

There's a bit where she says, "higher than the welkin's eye", and you need to know that welkin means sky!.

If you do go with Willy the Shakes, choose one without too many thous and thithers, make sure you can understand it, and make sure it is high in emotion!. There's one that always comes up that's just a girl listing why she doesn't like her suitors (Merchant of Venice, I think), and I hate it because there's no great swell of emotion!. You need that for a shakespearean monologue!. It helps it be understood!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Check spelling,,,its monologue! http://www!.monologuearchive!.com/t/twain_!.!.!.
try this site:Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would highly suggest "The Temptest" its very self explanatory even if it does have some thee's and thou arts but you'll understand it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com