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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> 'And Then There Were None' did anyone else ever act in this play?

Question: 'And Then There Were None' did anyone else ever act in this play!?
I am doing the play at the end of this month but I have no idea how to be Armstrong (the nervous disease doc)!.

We actually changed Armstrong into a female part!.

Any help!? acting tips!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have acted in this play (Mackenzie) and directed it!. I also made Armstrong a female!. All you have to do is trust the playwright!. Carry yourself in a professional manner, be a little above the rest, let the lines then speak for the character and you will be fine!. If you need help with anything, ask the director, that is what they are for!. Before the days of political correctness, this play was called Ten Little Indians which referred to a well known British poem about East Indians, not American Indians!. The original tile of the poem and of Christie's short story was "Ten Little *******," the N word orginally coined by the British as they expanded their empire and it referred to any dark skinned person such as an East Indian or African!. Now forget the history lesson and have fun with the play, break a leg, DocWww@QuestionHome@Com

I was in my school's production of this last year!. I was Anthony Marsdon!. But just act really paranoid because everyone around you is dropping like flies and you don't know who's next!.Www@QuestionHome@Com