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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Ok so What should i expect now?

Question: Ok so What should i expect now!?
ok so i sent my resume headshot and coverletter to a few agencies last thursday now what should i expect!? will they call me soon or send something in the mail!? if they reject me will they even bother to notify me that i was rejected!? how long does this process take and when should I be expecting something!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Agencies are majorly busy, and keep in mind that lots of other people are applying to that same agency!.!.!.!. So you may not hear an answer for 2-4 months!.!.!.!. If they want you, they will call you and ask for an interview, and then so and so forth!.

The agencies might just throw away your picture because:
1) they might have all of their clients they can handle at the moment or
2) they already have a client that fits your "type cast"!.!.!.!. they reject you because they don't want you and the other client competing for jobs
3) the agent just doesn't like your look (they can be so superficial!.!.!.!. but you have an interesting look so this will probably not happen to you)
4) they don't need your specific look at the time!.

Those are just the main reasons, i tell you this because you can resend your resume in a couple of months because in that time the agent's mind can change!.

The agency most likely won't notify you when t hey reject you simply because they do not have the time!. You do NOT want to call an agency, they already have their clients and are busy all day, and you'll most likely get one of their Secretaries (and a reputation for being a nag)!.
and like i said the process can take from a couple of weeks to around 2-4 months!
In the mean time, keep your talent fresh with taking more classes and building up you resume!.!.!.!.!.

keep sending those resumes!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depending on the agency, it could be a few days to a few months before you hear anything!. They are very busy and will only contact you if interested!. Usually they won't reply if you're not accepted!. In that case, build more experience, get a new headshot, and resubmit in a couple months!. Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The agency should contact you if they want to meet you!. Otherwise if they dont you could call them and ask!. Sometimes it takes a very long time for them to contact you depending on availability of roles!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You should expect to wait 2 weeks to a month!. Be patient and good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com