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Question: Professional Headshots!?
I want to start sending my resume out to acting agencies, but I don't have a professional headshot (I'd like one)!. Does anyone know of any headshot companies in the DFW area!? How much do professional headshots cost!? (on avg!.!?) I know you don't need a headshot, but I'd feel more professional with it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
What on Earth makes you think you don't need them!? You absolutely must have a kickass headshot if you want to be taken seriously as an actor!. Here is a good website where everything about the headshot process is explained in great detail:
Headshots can cost anywhere between zero and $1,000 (and even more) - it just depends on who you find to shoot them!. But expect to pay at least a few hundreds!.

And the most important thing is to find a photographer who actually does actors' headshots on a regular basis!. You don't want to use a glamour or fashion photographer, no matter how tempting!. Actors' headshots are very different from beauty shots and not every good photographer does headshots well!.

Best of luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Diana gave you a good answer!. Headshots are your calling card!. Make sure that it looks like you!. Casting people dislike nothing so much as your walking in looking nothing like your photo!. My experience is that you get what you pay for!. Mine was 1500, but I got calls on it 9 times out of 10, and that's the goal, so I felt that it was worth it!. She gave you some good advice!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Headshot costs vary- Discount beginning photographers on Craigslist start around $100 to more professional companies charging around $4-500!. Our pro package is $425!.

Sam, yours are not suitable headshots for actors!. Waaaay too much, and very distracting, backgrounds!.

Besides, you are spamming the forum!. Not cool!.