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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I got discoverd to audition for shows like hannah montana should i go?(PICS)?

Question: I got discoverd to audition for shows like hannah montana should i go!?(PICS)!?
so i was at school john robert powers company came in and they liked the way i dress and they wanted me to audition, do you think i should go , cause its being a while since i performed for a crowd!.
this is me http://i30!.tinypic!.com/33kan2b!.jpgWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It has nothing to do with the way you dress or look!. They are not going to be able to get you auditions for "shows LIKE Hannah Montana", because they're not an agency!. They are a school!. They will be asking you for a minimum of two thousand dollars for acting classes after you "audition"!.

Believe me, their sales pitch is designed in such a way to make you CONCLUDE you are auditioning for an agency or for TV producers, without them actually having to lie outright!. But John Robert Powers is not going to get you any work, and their classes are overpriced!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You should always audition for every opportunity that potentially comes your way, unless it seems like a big scam that's just out to take your money!. Put your face out there for everything you can!. You'll be infinitely more likely to get jobs in this business if you constantly go to as many auditions as you can!.

Good luck, I'll be sending happy thoughts your way!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I auditioned and i made it
if you make it you have to pay alot of money though (my mom payed $3,000 bucks for 3 classes
you can take acting, singing, modeling or dancing
its really fun
you audition for agents almost every sat!.
make friends in class
its lots of fun it just costs alot of moneyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Of course! Never let a chance like that go!. By the way your gorgeous! You have nothing to worry about!. Just practice, you should be straight!. : )Www@QuestionHome@Com

JRP is ugh!!!! DO not do anything with them =)Www@QuestionHome@Com