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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> What Are good acting sites to find Acting jobs?

Question: What Are good acting sites to find Acting jobs!?
For 13 year-oldsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Truthfully there are limited sites you can go on without paying a fee! Most are scams anyway!. the others are oriented in either LA or NYC, and using those sites are pointless unless you live in the immediate area, sorry kid! Listen to Scottish Actor he has some pretty good ideas!
Do community theater, join your school plays, sign up for an Open Mic Night somewhere, do talent shows, anything you can get your hands on!.!.!.!.!. when you get enough experience try to find an agent and they work with you to find jobs that are not open to the public (most of them aren't)!. No, agents DO NOT cost anything, the ones that do are scams and you should stay away from them!.

Meanwhile get your parents involved so they at least know what you're doing and get them to read books on acting and to get an understanding on how this industry works!

Get out there and make things happen!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Contact your local civic theatre!. Talk with a drama or english teacher!. Read the local theatre papers!. Anything!. Just hop to it!. Don't let your age stop you!. Their are quite a few drama and musicals out there that you can try out for!. You may end up in the chorus but it's better than selling tickets!. BREAK A LEG!Www@QuestionHome@Com
