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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Actors are overpaid pretentious pillocks..?

Question: Actors are overpaid pretentious pillocks!.!.!?
who get paid for pratting about on stage or screen OR are they are concientious hard working individuals in a difficult profession and are rightly rewarded!.

Personally I cannot act, but do like to watch theatre, TV, cinema etc so have a great respect for the talent of these people!.

BUT why do some of the 'stars' in the media get so full of their own importance, and should actors (and footballers etc) be getting paid more than the doctors, nurses, paramedics, firemen, policemen etc who are out there every day and night looking out for us, often to the detrement of their own well being!. What are your opinions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Without entertainment, music, the arts and wotnot life might be a bit dull!. They do provide an important service just in making us laugh and smile but some of them do seem to be overpaid!.

The people who risk their lives to provide a service should be held in higher esteem for what they do and valued for the heroic work that they do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

footballers and actors are linked!.
Lets say there is a huge football match on the television and i dunno lets name a footballers!.!. ashley cole made a mistake and didnt play to his full potentiol he is being watched live by millions of individuals putting himself at stake of getting battereddd! Actors: There personal life!.!.!. EVERYONE knows about it !.!.!.they gte paid so much because they basicallly sell thier life and privacy to everyone who watches them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People get paid for what money they attract to their employer!.
Footballers are paid a pittance compared to the zillions the game and its owners make!.!.
Same with film actors!. A star gets paid say $3 million!. A film can make $50 million and more World wide for its owner!.
Nurses are in the public sector and are subject to Government wage control like all public sector workers you mention!.
Actors do have an important part in our lives!. They bring to life happenings and emotions that you may never experience or when you do, you know better how to cope!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Only the really big names get the huge money!. Your average jobbing actor, and even those on Broadway and the West End, are not overpaid by anyone's standards - most actors I know, and some of them are very successful, have to hold down other jobs as well to pay the bills!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not just actors but footballers too, the people that should be making that sort of money are doctors and nurses because they actually do something that's worth while!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ive worked with a lot of actors and yes they get overpaid but when you work with them they are fabulous darling all the way to the bank and not yoursWww@QuestionHome@Com

They're not as over paid as some sports stars!.

Why they get so full of it because of the nature of the beasts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Actors in theatre are extremely underpaid!!! They can barely afford to live!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because people are obsessed with them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't see how they can be considered "overpaid," because they get paid only what someone is willing to give them!. If, for example, Tom Cruise (or whoever) isn't worth $22 million a movie (or whatever), then why do the production companies and studios give it to him!?
However, I do agree that entertainers - be they actors, athletes, or just plain "celebrities," are not out there curing cancer or something like that!. If you are curing cancer, it doesn't matter if you are unknown!. Your work is still priceless!. On the other hand, it is only the fact that people want to watch entertainers work that allows them to make any money at all!. If no one wanted to watch Tom Cruise, he'd be sweeping up in a Burger King somewhere!.
Thus I would say these two things:
1 - In terms of their intrinsic value to society, entertainers are overpaid - but in terms of their value to movie producers, team owners, or whoever else pays them, they are probably underpaid!.
2- If entertainers make jillions of dollars only because people want to see them, then they should stop complaining about being bothered by people when they are out and about!.Www@QuestionHome@Com