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Question: Proofread Drama Monologue!?

I have to write a monologue for drama, our subject is the media and how it distorts and exagerates things!. My sub topic is "betrayal" and my story is about how reporter promises a celebrity who has been getting bad press recently for an alledged affair (which did not actually happen) an interview to clear everything up and get her story out!. The reporter infact has planned to twist her words and change her interview to make it seem like she has commited adultery!. My monologue is at the end of the play, i hav half of it so far!. Would you please proofread it and tell me if i need to change it at all or suggest extra bits!. The monologue will be in details!. Thankyou!.

*Contains some swearing*Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I actually think its pretty good!
i think it needs to be a LITTLE longer, but its pretty good!

That monologue was **** like your mother!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would welcome the opportunity to correct you monologue,
however,it would require some modification,which you would
probably reject!.Why did you use ***** as a substitute for an
expletive,profanity,vulgarity (not swearing),and srewing them,
as a substitute for,antagonizing them!?
(The word well means a hole in the ground containing water,
and is inappropiate)!.What do you expect!?If people choose to
expose their activities to the public,they can expect to be
scrutininsed (Can't they!? is unnecessary),and have to accept
the consequences!.
Finally,your monologue could be improved significantly,if you
were not prepared to rape the English language!.Www@QuestionHome@Com