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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> My daughter has really gotten the acting bug and since John Robert powers seemst

Question: My daughter has really gotten the acting bug and since John Robert powers seemsto be a scam, how do you start!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Look for local classes!. Sometimes the best places to start are the ones you find out about through word of mouth!. Perhaps ask other parents in the area if they are aware of a local acting school!. A good general rule is if they are advertising on the radio or in the malls, avoid them!.

She could also look and see if her school offers a drama program!. Whether it is during the school day or in a 6-6 program type of setting these are great places to begin getting experience and discovering if acting is really something she wants to stick with!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with Joy (above)!. She should learn about acting, and gain experience, before there's any talk about headshots or agents or gigs!.

I think young people get the wrong impression when they see so many young actors on TV, and think that they were just "discovered!." Even the youngest have some kind of acting/singing/dancing training!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ok get her a headshot a resume and a cover letter but before that she has to have experience and talent then look up talent agencies in your area but make sure you do your research they should not cost anything and the good ones are SAG affiliated Proscout, John Robert Powers, John Casablance, and New Faces are all scams so waych out for those and any that you run into at a mall to try to get you to sign up are also a scam but remember nothing is more important then her talent and experience

answer mine!!