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Question: Alto or Soprano!?!!?
My Vocal coach said i was a high soprano
my Chorus teacher put me in Alto

what am i!!?!!? Or am i bothWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I would go with the opinion of your vocal coach over your chorus teacher!. Only because vocal coaches work with you much closer!. In high school my choir teacher said I was a soprano, when I am defintely not!.
Most likely though, you have a wide vocal range and depending on what each teacher makes you sing, they see certain parts of your range at different times!.
Your chorus teacher might have you sing more alto parts and your vocal coach, soprano!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just because your chorus teacher put you in the alto section doesn't necessarily mean that you are one or that you're limited to an an alto vocal range!.

I've known quite a few sopranos who were put in the alto section a!. because they had the vocal range for it and b!. because in general, altos need to be better sight readers!.

I have a friend who is a soprano, and studies and auditions as a soprano outside of school, but sings alto in our choir because she has the range for it and is a good reader!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You could quite possibly be both!.
There is a guy in my chorus who can sing anything from base 2 to soprano 1!. While this range is not by any means common, plenty of singers may be both soprano and alto, alto and tenor, etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Alto means the lowest female voice in singing=contralto!. Soprano means the highest singing voice in women!.You can decide what you are!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

thatprobably means that you have a very wide range!. if you don't think that's true, id listen to your vocal coachWww@QuestionHome@Com