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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Anyone know anything about

Question: Anyone know anything about Talenthunter!.com!?!?
I'm currently am studying journalism, but have always been interested in acting!. I signed up at Talenthunter!.com (the free version!.) I get a lot of responses for commercials and small roles in films, but I cannot get ahold of the person who contacts me unless i become a "gold member!." I know you aren't supposed to pay, but has anyone signed up with them or know any information!? I don't want to pay and not get any actual castings!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I use them regularly and have found them to be useful because they have an easy system to apply for auditions!. In regards to paying them a fee, it's a fee for using the features of the community not to get a job!. If anyone charges you a fee to get a job that would be a scam what talenthunter!.com does is not, most other talent sites that worth going to also charge a fee!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com