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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Why are drama schools SO expensive?

Question: Why are drama schools SO expensive!?
yeah i know they have good facilities and all!.!. but Musical Theatre is my dream!. I go to singing, dance and drama lessons!. But I am not very rich, I got a scholoship for my dance lessons!. I really want to go to drama school but they are all so expensive and there is NO WAY i will be able to afford the fees! Unless i get a schloship which is very rare! I don't find it fair that only rich people can follow their dreams and go to drama college!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Someone has to pay for it and that someone is you, the student!. Ultimately you pay for everything in that school (together with all the other students ofc) so if the school doesnt got any support from the gouvernment its up for you to pay for it!. Its crude but its nothing that you can do for it other than apply for some schoolarship!. Its a life reality that somethings are more expensive than we can afford!. Life isnt fair all the times! Another thing you can do is to complain at the gouverment or see if there is i a tv program that can help you with the money or even a game show where you can win money!. Elsewhere youre preatty much busted if you havent a rich realive or if mr trump or someone else rich read this aply!.!.!. Keep your finger crossed!.!. Johan!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It may be also because of the ideas people have about the profession!. the fact that it is not a "real job" so therefore it is mainly private institutions which offer the courses and they have to pay going rates for tutors etc etc!. also it may be how you also see the business!. maybe you don't think it is worth it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

it's because you have to be the best of the best and they don't want every person on the street going to drama schools!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's also because these are usually private facilities, so they can charge what they want!.Www@QuestionHome@Com