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Question: Role models!?
What kind of role models do the people in the entertainment industry set for our youth by having children without being married!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You know what!? We set those people on too high a pedestal!.!.!.It is my responsibility as a parent to teach my children right from wrong!.!.!.My kids don't want to emulate those silly girls, they pity them for not having parents who care enough about them to teach them about safe sex, pregnancy and yes even abstinence!.!.!.having sex is a responsibility!.!.!.one too many people \, both the famous and not take for granted! My philosophy is "When you look at someone As a possible sexual partner-do you want to share a child with that person!?"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some of them set rather good role models if the youth are willing to learn from them, such as: do not set out to become a parent unless you are financially and emotionally prepared to support the children and raise them to the best of your ability!.

I think the role models for our youth that we should be worried about more are the impoverished people--inner-city and rural--who reproduce without a sense of responsibility!. That's not to say that only the well-off should be parents; that would be ridiculous!. But they should have reasonable expectations of being able to provide for a child, and they should be ready to give love and nurturance and guidance!.

Want an outstanding example of show biz parenting!? Look at Sara Jessica Parker's background sometime--her parents were poor, but their parenting skills were fabulously rich!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know!. but I don't think there are many average age celebrities that have had a child without being married, other than Jaime Lynn Spears, and Nicole Ritchie but before the baby was born they did get married and there are some that wait a very long time before have children!. but everyday there are average people who have children at 16,17, and 18 and it has only gone up!. and those 16, 17, and 18 year old's children will just follow in there foot steps!. but if I were a parent I would show my children Enchanted before Zoey 101!. Good Luck!