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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> What should i wear to an audition (i'm 14)?

Question: What should i wear to an audition (i'm 14)!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Remember when you go to an audition you want the people your auditioning for to remember you!. So this means don't wear solid white!. Show off your style a bit but don't over do it, you should still look a little casual!. My last audition i wore Skinny dark blue jeans, a longsleeve black shirt, red high heels and a red belt with silver jewelery!. you want to stand out (hence the silver and red) but you dont go over board!.
break a leg hunWww@QuestionHome@Com

It depends!. If it's an audition for a musical then you should wear clothes you can easily move around and dance in like sweats and bring along dancing shoes!. If it's just for a play or something, then still wear clothes you can move around in easily and don't wear anything too fancy and make it modest!. If you have a certain character in mind that you want to get the part of, then try to dress like that character!. It actually does help if the people casting you can visualize you as a certain character so they know you would make a good match! One of my directors said himself that he likes it when people try to dress like a certain character at an audition!Www@QuestionHome@Com

where casual jeans w/ a nice desighn on the side then get an over the top sparkle shirt thats the same color as the desighn on your jeans also where flatering heels w/ a nice but very notice able because you want them to remember you oh and at your audition be very energetic when me & my sister tried out for a tv show they absolutly loved us we were silly & funny but also series when we new we had to but they told us that we could have got the part but i was failling 5 of my classes!. p!.s!. good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com

yeah, it does depend on what you're auditioning for!.!.!.

i'm guessing a play or a role in movie/tv!?

i would suggest dark jeans, a nice tank top and maybe a cardigan!.
Don't wear anything that will distract you from your performance!

what you want them to remember you for is your audition!. But make sure you look nice!

good luck!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Something Nice but not too fancy!. Mabey some nice jeans and a nice top that shows your personality!.

My friend always wears something "fun but serious" to auditions, whatever that means!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

dress shirt and some nice pants just be normal let them like you for who you areWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well jeans and a tee shirtWww@QuestionHome@Com