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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Please rate my monologue? (VIDEO INCLUDED!!!!)?

Question: Please rate my monologue!? (VIDEO INCLUDED!!!!)!?
This is a monologue I am using for an audition!
The monologue is actually from the play I'm auditioning for and Tracy is the character I want to be!
(And don't tell me: "You shouldn't use a monologue from the play you're trying out for!"!.!.!.because we're required to!)
Please comment and rate!!!!!!!! (and give advice!)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I really like the potential here!
It started a bit rough, and it was hard to getting into it at first, it was very choppy!. Sentence *STOP*Sentence *STOP*Sentence *STOP*!. you know!? But as you went along you got more into it, and it ended up being pretty good!. Like i said good potential!.
~make it flow more by taking shorter pauses in between sentences!.
~It a change in emotion when you talk about nobody buying your last CD, so let that show even more!
~You tend to sway from side to side and put your hands on your hips a lot!. Only move when it's necessary, extra movement tends to draw away from your performance and it distracting to the audience, and may hinder your audition!.
~When you talk about feeding the pages to the guy, that was AMAZING! it made me laugh, and it was interesting to see the crazier side of your character!. I would try to end it with that same crazy vibe though!.!.!. because this character is so obsessed with fame that the is bordering on crazy! Fantastic job!

Best of LuckWww@QuestionHome@Com

When you say "everyone expected it to be bigger" use your body when you say that!. Don't keep your hands at your waists, show us how MUCH bigger everyone expected it to be! Show us how bummed you are about how the record label dumped you too!. That line about the "pimpled faced guy at the counter" needs to be bigger!. Say it like you are imitating him!. And at the end when you say "it was just like a music video" that whole part, tell it like you are telling your best friend and you want her to be surprised about it!.

I can tell you are very talented! You just need to physicalize and GET THOSE HANDS AWAY FROM YOUR SIDES!!! :D

best of luckWww@QuestionHome@Com

hey, i liked it!

i would recommend: not putting your hands on your hips AS much, and don't move your head around TOO much (can be a little distracting)!.

But, I love how creepy the end got!.!.!. i think you could play that scariness of the character up a bit more!.

well done, but keep on practicing, just get your head into the character, become her, and you'll nail it!.

good luck!. hope you get the part!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very good! I myself am an actor myself and I can tell you that was awesome!. Your very talented!. Only piece of advice I can give you is to just practice, practice, and!.!.!.!.PRACTICE! and smooth it out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's not the best I've seen, but It's really not too bad!. It's not the best choice because it's a telling monogue, not a doing one so it's easy to become bored!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you're over doing itWww@QuestionHome@Com