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Question: Jilted Method Actor!?
3 years ago I robbed a bank let myself get caught and spent 30 months in jail it was research for a short film my friend was going to make - imagine the pain and humiliation I feel when I found out that whilst I was in prison researching my part as an ex con my buddy has made the film some hack and 3 more films since then stupidly I didn't sign a contract it was a word of mouth thing - can I sue him !? what should I do!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
ill tell you what you should do!.!.!.!.!.!.it turns out i will be shooting a movie myself, about someone in a very similar situation, who goes to prison and gets out, realizing that they were duped into doing whatever they got sent there for in the first place!. this film takes place in prison also, but after the person who was duped into going before, takes his/her revenge on that particular person who was supposed to be casting said felon in his/her film!.

i too, only hire method actors, so i suggest you kill whoever this person was, and write to me while your in prison again, so i can get a working script going!. maybe what i've written seems a little convoluted, and dosen't make a lot of sense right now, but hey!.!.!.!.!.!.i've been drinking for going on 10 hours now, and haven't slept!.

however, i assure you that i will not leave you hanging, so when you get out of prison in 25+ years, i will be ready to make my film, with you as the leading character!. just e-mail me from the prison library, and we can get the ball rolling on this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you're in the States, you can sue anyone for anything! You might not win, but you can certainly try!

Sounds like a stupid idea: why not just use your imagination!? Stanislavski's theory of emotional memory suggests that you should use any experience that is similar, it doesn't say that you have to have experienced a particular set of circumstances in order to perform the role of someone who has!

Before your next role, read Meyerhold!. He was Stanislavski's contemporary and colleague, and he understood acting better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

trevar hit it on the head there about Stanislavski!. Many people seem to confuse what he was trying to say!. you are supposed to use your own experiences to interpret the experience the character is having and apply that to the character!. Not do what the character does!. think about all those out there trying to emulate Macbeth or Oedipus!. It doesn't make sense to do that! Bit of a silly thing to do as now you the real person have to live with what you did, you can't just take off the "clothes" of the character!.Www@QuestionHome@Com