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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Anyone know of the best way to find out about acting auditions??

Question: Anyone know of the best way to find out about acting auditions!?!?
mostly just local stuff, other stuff later!. should i move to more acting centered cities!? I live in Texas and people say Dallas is starting to be a good place for acting!. how do i know if what I'm auditioning for is legit!? I had to miss an audition because my ride at the time was afraid it was a scam!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There's a wonderful Yahoo Group at http://groups!.yahoo!.com/group/DallasFilm!.!.!. !. They list a lot of student films where you can get experience (usually no pay), and a lot of training classes and workshops and photographer specials and occasionally a paying job or two!. My daughter got her first SAG film off of this list (it was SAG limited budget, but at least it paid!.) Often extra casting is done on this list, also!. I've seen several calls for "The Tree of Life", which is being filmed in Smithville with Brad Pitt!. You might also want to sign up with: http://groups!.yahoo!.com/group/AustinFilm!.!.!. A lot of film work happens in the Austin area!.

also, a good place to go is bethsepkocasting!.com !. They cast what seems to be most of the big features that come to Texas!. Get your headshot and resume with them!.

Beyond that, you need an agent!. If you're in central Texas, Acclaim Talent, Ciao Talent, and BLVD are really good!. In North Texas, look to Kim Dawson, Campbell, and The Horne Agency if you have experience and training!. If not, Linda McAlister and Core Talent are your best bets!.

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

we don't know what kind of audition you are talking about!. dallas is a great place to be established as an actor!. the best way is to get an agent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Google!.com and punch in where you live and what you wanna try out for and that will do you some good!Www@QuestionHome@Com