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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> What does it take for a big girl to make it in the movie business???

Question: What does it take for a big girl to make it in the movie business!?!?!?
I'm a big girl!. and by big i do mean kinda fat!. but even if i got really skinny I'd still be "big" it's just how i am!. I have been told by so many people, by my past theatre teacher!. a casting director and some fellow actors that I am a really good actress!. But I've also been told that the only problem I have is that i am a big girl, and thats not "IN" right now!.

I was thinking of writing my own stuff and try getting someone to do it with me in it just so i can show people!. I'm a decent screenwriter!. I'm just wondering because this is something i wanna do so bad and I feel so stuck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It takes a tremendous talent, lots of experience, and training and lots of luck!. Being big has been out since the Italian Renaissance!. There are always roles for big people, you just have to meet the requirements!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Might be a good idea starting off to be an extra in movies!.

With the movie business , sometimes it's who you know that gets results, that's why there are so many bad movies out there!. You could take a film class and there are screenwriting classes that might help you get your foot in the door!.

There may be some contests out there too, I know that our local movie rental store had its own amateur movie maker contest with quite substantial prizes!.

Good Luck to you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You could try writing your own stuff and it'd be win or loose!. Or, you could try something that's tried and true!.

To make it takes all kinds, big, small, skinny, tall, short!. I'd say a winning smile, pretty face, kind face, unique voice, etc!. If you look at the films, there are roles for many different body types and characters!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Naturally, there are fat people roles in films!. If you can act, I would expect that roles wouldn't be too too hard to find!. You just have to shoot for that particular niche!.Www@QuestionHome@Com