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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Hey does anyone have any acting tips!?

Question: Hey does anyone have any acting tips!!?
like any little secrets that have helped you act and stuff like that just list some for me please and thankyou!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!.) if you want to be like really sad (I know you can cry on demand and all) picture a little girl like age 5 dieing!.
2!.) Don't look people straigt in the eye!.!.!.no one talks to people that way!.!.!.
3!.) make sure you never get nervous
4!.) if you have to cry on demand, you can make it easier by rubbing your eyes and your face so your eyes will hurt and when you blink a few times you can cry!
5!.) Improv, rember what to do!.!.!.your acting coach for improv probably told you WHAT improv is and all so I don't HAVE to explain that!.!.!.
6!.) breath the right way, ya know rember when your crying you breath faster, when your happy you breathy at a nervous slower pace, whenyour mad you breath suuper fast but threw your nose!.
God bless ya'll!Www@QuestionHome@Com

first off, it's always good to do improvs!.
improvs really help you get into character!.
also, you can practice in front of the mirror!.
that's a really good thing to do, since you can see what you look like from your reflection and change anything that you don't like!.
another good tip is to forget about everything!.
i don't mean your lines and setting and all that jazz!.
forget about everything that doesn't relate to the production that you're in!.
for example, when you're up on that stage, if you have something else on your mind (whether it be a guy or just that you're nervous), don't think about it!.
clear everything out of your mind and just focus on the stage!.
forget about the audience, too!.
if you want any more tips or better tips, feel free to contact me!.

Just practice and rehearse, and practice and rehearse!.!.!. and live your part! if you're playing a poor girl, pretend to be that poor girl!. if you're playing some stuck-up rich kid, be that stuck-up rich kid! get very into your part, and you will feel like you're really her/him!. you could also try breathing exersizes!. so just really get into your part, and you'll be great! also try getting a cute costume, or something!. that might boost your confidence and insparation! i really hope this helped! good luck!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

get out of your comfort zone attack your fellow actors abuse them be abused if your acting classes are comfortable and fun you ain't improving enough you should feel challenged humiliated, insulted and angry then push it all aside at the endWww@QuestionHome@Com

go find an acting classWww@QuestionHome@Com