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Question: Question about agents!?
i wana become famous and ppl keep telling me that i need an agent!. what does an agent do and could an agent be!.!. idk!.!. your best friend or sister!? or do they have to be professional or whatever!?

please and thankyouWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
And before you get an agent, you need to have something that the agent can sell!.!.!. because that's an agents job!.!.!. selling a product!.!.!. YOU!.!.!.

If you are going to become a valuable product in this industry, you need training!.!.!. Go find a good acting instructor!. Don't worry about finding an agent!.!.!. spend your time becoming the best you can be!.!.!. when the time is right, you'll find an agent!.!.!. but an agent isn't going to take you on if you don't know what you are doing!. Go find an instructor!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

don't try to become famous, try to be the best at what you do!. those who seek fame usually wind up infamous!. you will need an agent some day when you are ready to compete with the best actors in the world for jobs!. An agent gets you auditions for jobs!. YOu need a professional agent who has the connections to the profession, a friend or relative can't do that/Www@QuestionHome@Com