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Question: Memorizing Scripts!?
What is the best way to memorize a script in a short time ( and be good at acting it)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Make flashcards with your lines on them!. Have someone like your mom, dad, or friend read the line before yours and just keep reading off the cards!. Do this a little then switch up the order!. Try to use your cards as little as possible!. The true test to see if you really know your lines is have someone cue you in on random lines (not in the order they appear in your play/musical) and see if you can recite them that way!. This is what I do sometimes!. If this doesn't work!.!.!. just keep reading them and practice makes perfect! Once you have the lines down, work on practicing your emotions!. Watch yourself in the mirror and always ALWAYS keep it real!.!.!. don't make it look fake!. If a normal person wouldn't talk like that then neither should your character!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Read through and really study the script before you start to memorize!. If you have a good understanding of your character, the script will be more logical!. Read through and imagine your character in each scene!. The biggest key to acting is reacting (cliche, I know)!. When your character is asked a question, it should seem that you are thinking of the answer as you are saying it!.

After you've studied it, read through it like 10 times, saying your part out loud!. Then give the script to someone else to read the other parts and you try to do yours!. Remember to get fully immersed in the script and it will help the lines come more naturally!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The thing I always did was have someone I feel really comfortable with go over the script with me!. The key is, instead of just reading it, act as if your on stage performing!. Try not to read it too quicky and really listen to what your saying!. Don't get nervous, if you feel yourself getting flustered, stop, take a couple breaths, and try to become the character!. By being your character, as opposed to yourself, you really understand what you're doing and saying!. also, by actually acting with the script and possibly having actions to go with it, it may also make it easier to remember what to say!. Obviously, try to pay attention to the other characters' lines as well so you know when to come in!. The main thing is to make sure you're calm and to have fun!. That's the most important thing!.!.!.!.have fun and relax, afterall, that's what it's about!. If you can't have fun with it then it shows!. Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

What you need to is the 2x2x2!
this is a fun little method that i always do to memorize my lines!

First you Write it down twice
Then you say it twice
And Lastly you read it twice!.

~Keep doing this over and over until you're fully memorized!
It's also a great thing to tape record yourself , it helps a lot, because you can hear yourself saying the words and that also helps with memorization!

~~~ And you need to react to the person, and say the lines like a person in real life would say it!. It's easier and more fun then simply "memorizing" lines!. Always treat your reading like a performance! Live in the moment!

Best of Luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I never have to worry about this because I naturally just memorize things quickly, but you could record your lines and listen to the before you go to sleep every night!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Read it over and over, and act it out in front of a mirror!. Try to be the character as you say the lines!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

read it over a number of times without emoution and then write it down and then once you only have a few troubles with some words you use emoutionWww@QuestionHome@Com

Read over and over again, there is no other way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You'll want to start reading over it to first and foremost, understand exactly what it is you are reading!.
Understand who your character is and why she is saying and doing the things she is!.
Understand the relationship you have with the other person in the scene!.
Understand the entire play or film if you can so you have an even better understanding of what the scene is all about!.
And when you start to read it and memorize it aloud, do it without inflection, almost like a robot!.
Because there are many different ways to act out the scene!. Don't get stuck in just one way!.
Wait until you get into the scene to put in your inflection!.

Have a look at this page on my site for new and aspiring actors!. It's about how to memorize the text itself: http://www!.actingcareerstartup!.com/memor!.!.!.

Good luck!
